
New energy car halfway out of electricity how to do

1. Stop immediately and turn on warning lights: You should immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place, turn on dual flashing lights, and place a triangle warning sign behind the car to remind the rear car to pay attention to safety.

What should new energy vehicles do when they run out of power on the road

2. Seek road rescue: You can call the road rescue phone and request professional rescue. If you are on a motorway, you can contact the motorway rescue service.

What should new energy vehicles do when they run out of power on the road

3. Tow truck Service: If the vehicle is unable to continue, you may need a tow truck service to tow the vehicle to the nearest charging station or repair point. Note, however, that it is not recommended to try to charge the power battery while the vehicle is being towed, as this can damage the motor.

What should new energy vehicles do when they run out of power on the road

4. Backup battery or mobile charging: Some new energy vehicle brands provide backup battery or mobile charging services, you can contact the car manufacturer or relevant service providers for help.

What should new energy vehicles do when they run out of power on the road

5. Preventive measures: In order to avoid similar situations, it is recommended to make power planning before travel, and try to charge in time when the power is below a certain percentage. In addition, you can check the location of nearby charging piles through the car navigation system or mobile phone app, and plan the charging point in advance.

6. Roadside fast charge: If your vehicle supports fast charge and there is a fast charge pile nearby, you can choose fast charge to restore a certain amount of electricity to continue driving.

7. Insurance company: If you have a related car insurance service, you can contact the insurance company to see if it covers road assistance services.

8. Ask other drivers for help: If there are other vehicles nearby, try asking them for help to see if anyone can provide emergency power or other assistance.

9. Stay calm: While waiting for help, stay calm and don't panic. You can use this time to check that other systems in the vehicle are working, or contact family and friends to inform them of the situation.

In short, new energy vehicles can take more measures when they run out of electricity on the road. Please note that new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles respond differently when they run out of energy, so it is very important to understand their unique operation and emergency measures when driving a new energy vehicle.

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